Wednesday, August 27, 2014

White Desert of Egypt's most beautiful shrines geological


the most beautiful landscape in Egypt can be obtained in the «White Desert» configurations for a variety of the most beautiful pictures of an area called «mushrooms» which is the most attractive areas for tourists inside the reserve, and the view of the carving long limestone-like «mushrooms» or mushrooms, or like a picture of focus a nuclear explosion, and to refuse to marry another sculpture looks like a white hen, and when Dorna around from all directions gave a sense of himself «hen sits atop deposit their eggs».

The Sanctuary is also a set of eyes to water, such as «eye of exchange», and next to her the effects of old houses and pottery used by the man who lived around these eyes water and back to the Roman era, and there cemetery hills surrounding the eye of exchange, and there are the remains of mummies old.

We left the place to «Bahariya» have formed our experience or new reference about some of the problems of Egyptian oases and protectorates natural, and Egypt has 27 nature reserves largest - says Ahmed Salama, official reserves Bank in the Ministry of the Environment - is protected by the Gilf Kebir and the smallest protected Aldbabih in Qena , and reserves in Egypt represent 15% of the area of ​​Egypt, and reserves suffer some pollution and lack of funds,

Without the funds foreign aid to the decline in work in these areas, especially in the White Desert and the Gilf Kebir, and funded by the Italian aid fully, while the recurring problems that we've heard in a «involved» and «Farafra» focuses on the depletion of the aquifer for mineral water in addition to the absence of controls that determine forms Agriculture in these territories which have in her stomach stockpile of fresh water is renewable.

The problems of Siwa Oasis are numerous and complex, and governments have failed in impenetrable since that had the former Prime Minister Atef Ebeid and with him a group of ministers, especially regarding the high level of wastewater and groundwater oasis, as well as the presence of an attack from the tourism investment on the Oasis, says Kaissouni Advisor to the Minister of Tourism there are fears that some of the establishment of factories in Siwa,

We got to «Bahariya» Monday evening to get back to civilian life gradually, Vqdana be sleeping the last in this journey inside «Camp» dedicated Castrahh tourists to safari, which represents the stage of compromise between the desert life and the life of the city, Sleeping in beds made ​​of stone but topped cushions are comfortable and the cottage building of the jungle, wicker and palm fronds while lighting candles Almgruzh bartering away the middle of the hut and inside a clay pot filled with sand.

In the cozy restaurant «for Camp», which dealt with the Last Supper, which was meat Grandfather roast, brought us back Ashraf Lotfy Prime Lovers Society desert to the problems of Oasis, but the search for solutions which began his association to contribute to the effect, and said that 180 of the owners of tourism companies and professional Sahara members this Assembly, and their work stems from the «Navy, but up to the White Desert, and Western Sahara in general», As for the most important activities of the periodic clean-up campaigns are rotating reserves at the rate of twice a year.

The Bahariya Oasis is described as «gate desert», as he told us, Ashraf Lotfy, and by 600 SUV all working in safari tourism, 3 and thousands of sons Oasis working in tourism, the hotels «» Marine Vijaoz number twenty, and pointed out that 100 thousand tourists visited the desert oasis or they crossed over the past year.

He said that their goal is to establish a future tourist companies, especially the children of Bahariya like what was done in Siwa and Farafra.

He criticized the performance of the head of the city council and compare retreat hygiene in «» Marine and progress in Siwa and Dakhla, also warned of crawling investment on the territory of the oasis, and there was discussion and wide about «Black Desert» said Ashraf She deserves to be a nature reserve for the existence of the phenomena of rare geological therein.

Participated each of Sluoty Alberto and his wife Yvonne, two Italians, two experts represent «the project for the Italian reserves» in the region.

Said Yvonne, a professor of Geology, The Black Desert has a great geological importance to the presence of molten basalt rocks where, in addition to this place near the site of the discovery of the oldest dinosaur in the world, and which is subject to scientific studies, specializing now in the United States.

Ashraf said Lotfy Maintaining sent a delegation of monuments and parks, as well as geologists of the place, and recommended all that the Prime Minister issued orders to the implementation of removals in the region for announcing a nature reserve, as well as the area or the vaccine, but Ahmed Salama, Director reserves the Western Region, said: political decision in this matter needs careful consideration, especially as the area is fertile black desert, farmland and narrow in this place,

He pointed out that «environment» is preparing a plan to preserve the privacy of the place and at the same time the needs of the re-development processes in the region, and said that Egypt has a plan for the establishment and management of natural protectorates until 2017, although this region is listed on the...

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