Wednesday, August 27, 2014

The Egyptian Museum

The Egyptian Museum

The Egyptian Museum in Cairo. Contains the largest collection of ancient Egyptian antiquities, although Navsh Albraitanewallovrutv Metropolitan Museum (New York). And sits Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square the heart of Cairo since 1906, contains a museum exhibit on the impact of the Pharaonic 136 thousand, in addition to the hundreds of thousands of effects found in stores.

The emergence and the establishment of the museum
The story began with the founding of the museum world attention after the great Egyptologist deciphering the Rosetta Stone at the hands of the French scientist Champollion.
The initial nucleus of the museum house of a small pond at the old lockup where Mohammed Ali ordered the registration of Egyptian Antiquities fixed effects and the transfer of value to the museum and the lockup in 1848 AD.
After the death of Muhammad Ali returned to steal the effects again and walked to his successors approach Forums Vtdhaelt the museum's holdings.
In 1858 was appointed (Mariette) as the first warden (occupancy Antiquities) any (corresponds to currently head of the effects). It has been found that to be the presence of management and the Museum of Antiquities, therefore the choice of the Bulaq to create a museum of Egyptian antiquities and the transfer of the effects found during Hvaúrh (such as the effects of the cemetery Aah Hotep).
In 1863 the Khedive Ismail approval of the project to establish a museum of Egyptian antiquities, but the project was not implemented, but contented himself with giving Mariette (Presentation digit) in front of Dar Alontekkhana in Bulaq to expand the museum.
In 1878 occurred in very high causing flooding of the Nile flood the Bulaq Museum and the loss of some of its contents.
In 1881 the museum re-opened in the same year he died and was succeeded by Mariette (Maspero) as Director of Antiquities and Museum.
In 1891 AD, and when increased collections Bulaq Museum was transferred to Galatasaray Giza.
When it came to the world (de Morgan) as head of the museum's interest and reformats these groups in the new museum, which is known as the Museum of Giza.
In the period from 1897 - 1899 AD came Loret Loret successor have Morgan.
But he returned Maspero again to manage stakeholders and the museum of the year 1899 - 1914 AD In 1902 the transfer effects to the current building of the museum (in Tahrir Square), and was one of the most aides active in his tenure as the second Egyptian scientist Ahmed Pasha Kamal, who was the first to specialize in Egyptian Antiquities old and worked for many years in the museum.
As the first director of the Egyptian Museum was he (Mahmoud Hamza) was appointed in 1950.
This was a brief guide to the Museum of the situation is due to Maspero in 1883, but he has done a great guide for the museum under the new prints and repeats from the year 1915 until now (but with a series of amendments).
The most important museum collections:

The museum consists of two floors devoted to the ground, including the effects of the heavy top has been devoted to the effects of light and complete sets (such as a group of Tutankhamun).
The museum houses a huge number of Egyptian antiquities since prehistoric times until the end of the Pharaonic era in addition to some of the effects of the Greek and Romanian.
We recall, for example, from the museum's holdings:
A set of crockery (from prehistoric times).
Narmer Palette (the era of unification).
Statue Kha Schm (family 2).
Statue of Djoser (family 3).
Statues of Khufu / Khafre / Menkaure (family 4).
Statue Kaabr / Statues retainers (family of 5).
Dwarf statue SNP (family 6).
Statue Montuhotep Nebhepetre (11 beds).
Statues of Amenemhat I / II / III (12 beds).
Elka statue of King Hur (13 beds).
Statues of Hatshepsut / Tuthmosis III (18th Dynasty).
Group of Tutankhamun (18th Dynasty).
The treasures of Tanis group .... etc..
A large group of Almmyat of Mokhtlav Ages.
Sections Museum

Effects divided according to their importance or the amount provided Kalksm sixth and seventh, arrangements either second, third and fourth were based on the chronological order and takes into account the most important relics included in the section and other key periods in another department, and as follows:
Section I: effects of King Tutankhamun toll, which the discovery of the tomb of one to one time period where the relics reached more than 3,500 relics of gold in addition to the mummies.
Section II: the old state which is one of the prosperous periods in the history of ancient Egypt, a period of building the pyramids and the period of King Khufu, a period in which the rule of the four families of the governor, "the third of the sixth."
Section III: Central State.
Section IV: the modern state, which is the period of the empire of the great period of Ramses II and Tutankhamun and Akhenaten and Merneptah and Tuthmosis
Section V: the family of "21 to 30" no access to enter the Alexander the Great to Egypt.
Section VI: Department of papyrus and currency, which were collected in which all the papyri.
Section VII: section "Aldjaarin


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