Egypt has Bmosmen, mild winters and sunny summer and is a desert nature is predominant on Egypt with the exception of the Mediterranean coast, and the Nile Valley and Delta. Between the months of November and March: characterized by warm daytime fun while in the evening and by night be cool and fun all over Egypt.In April and May: The temperatures are generally mild and are considered ideal for that period to visit any destination in Egypt.From June until September: the weather is very hot in the desert areas and humid in the Nile Valley and on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Considered sunglasses, sun protector, hat and good moisturizing creams are necessary, nor advised trips to the desert areas in that period of the year.Late September and October, as well as April and May: Ideal for a tour in Egypt.From November until February: nice weather is perfect for a trip on the Nile. Enjoy the Red Sea Riviera is a great weather year-round, and thus is an ideal destination to escape to the sea.
Egyptcontrols theclimateinseveraldifferent variablessuch as temperature, humidity,amount ofrainfallannually, whichare of great importance, especially whenthe obviouschangesinthose standardsand their impact onagricultural activity.Due toEgypt's geographical location, the averageannual temperaturerecordedbetween20-25degrees Celsius.Showlarge differencesintemperature betweensummerand winteras well ascoastal areasandinland areas.Anddiffers fromthe averagemaximum temperaturerecordedatmeteorologicalstationsJawahalycoastof18-19° C to30-31degreesin Julyand August.
It alsorecordedthe samestationsthat the averageminimum temperaturevaries from9-11degrees Celsiusin Januaryto21-25° Cin Julyand August,andgenerallyrangesover thechange intemperaturebetween themaximum and minimum6-10degrees Celsius.Headingsouth ofthe areas affected bythe moderateclimateof the Mediterranean Seato theinland areassuch asMinya,Aswanandbeyondtheextent ofthe recordedtemperaturesare higherthanthe values of16-17degrees Celsius.
Inall cases,the averagemonthly temperaturedoes not appearthatobvious differencesdailytemperaturesin sometimes of the yearin Egypt, whichoftenTzhrvyspring andthe beginning ofthe summer season, whereprevailsirocco,which isadry windssevereheat-ladendustandposeconditionsunsuitableinmost areas ofupper Egypt.They also havea devastatingimpactonplantgrowth, especially in themodernspring,andthiswindarisefromthe movement ofthe depressionsin the eastto the northof Africa.It worksto raise thewindsuddenlyintemperaturesaround 10degreesCelsius ina few hours.Thiswarm, dryconditionsdo notpersist forlong periods of timedue tothe arrival ofthe wetcoldair currentsfromthe Atlantic Ocean, whichis typicallydepressionsblowingonto a sharp dropintemperatures.Thesecold frontsare accompanied byhigh windsleadto theformation ofdust stormsshortterm.
Showsiroccorepeatedlywhilebetween Februaryand June,whichrepresents theperiodbetweenclimatechangewarmingthe Mediterranean anddesert climate.AfterJune,the climatebecomeswarmerin theMediterranean regionanddepressionsmovingtowardthe north.Thefallinthesedepressionsmovingtowards the southagain,but because of thewarmclimate, whichremainsprevalentinthat periodin most ofthe regionshall continue toimpactclimatesiroccobutto a lesser degree.
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