Wednesday, August 27, 2014

mast mountain Mosque

mast mountain Mosque
Location:Msadjadslaman Pasha server located in the north-east and is known as the Mosque of Sidi mountain relative to the mast mast bin Omar Abdullah, son of the commander of the Islamic armies in the reign of Omar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with himBrief History:Also known as the Mosque Rudaini proportion to Sheikh Rudaini which Hassan bin Ali bin Marzouq bin Abdullah Rudaini Faqih updated and housed a mosque Saad State castle and then turning it to the mosque, which had been established by Prince Morteza glory of the Caliphate of Abu Mansour caught up with his Prince Armenian who was the ruler of Alexandria in the Fatimid era as the year 535 AH is installed on the motherboard constituent of the mosque and continued Sheikh Rudaini in teaching him that died in 540 AH.In the year 935 AH / 1528 AD reiterated this mosque, Suleiman Pasha server who was ruler of Egypt during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, and then the transfer of the painting constituent of the mosque, which is due to my father Mansour its share to the tomb Steering Bank of the mosque and instead put them to the marble plaque, mounted the top of the door West the collector proved by these innovations.The collector Suleiman Pasha server or Mosque of Sidi mast is the first mosque built in Egypt Ottoman-style, which consists of a central dome and half-domes around, and the whole is composed of two main sections are a house of prayer or the mosque and has Dorhah square surrounded by destinations, except the north-west Three iwans largest Ewan direction, which contains the altar of marble decorated Bwazzrat and marble mosaic and the tribune marble, while the second section is open courtyards or campus mosque and submit the mosque or house of prayer from the northwest and consists layout of the dish Middle Exposed surrounded by four corridors covered with domes shallow built on spherical triangles, has inflicted Steering Western saucer shrine caught up with his father Mansour, who also inflicted Bdharaha structures and tombstones dating from the beginning of the Ottoman era and until the era of Muhammad Ali PashaHe notes the mosque that the dome big was clad Balqachani green, blue and a mosque minaret Ottoman-style, the first minarets in Cairo, which is built on this model, known as the "pencil", also attached to the mosque a book to teach the Koran and Hazroan ablutions aspect Bank and garden aspect East.

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