Tuesday, August 26, 2014

History Of Egypt

Old Date: Egypt date back to more than three thousand years before the birth, which took place as the oldest civilization in human history. Divides the history of ancient Egypt to several eras:

Pharaonic era: it crystallized and principles of the state and the central government, when King Menes united the north and south within one kingdom. This is known as the Renaissance era as well, where the pharaohs invented hieroglyphics and founded the capital of Memphis. The evolution of art, agriculture and industry in this day and age and Egyptians used the first fleet Nehra- Barre to transfer their needs. Infamous era of the Pharaohs Balthanit and building the pyramids.

Greco / Ptolemaic: reign in Alexandria became a center of civilization, and characterized in the field of science and art and commerce. Held the first port on the Mediterranean. As well as the Ptolemies built palaces and gardens were established, and grew up in an ancient Egyptian Greek civilization was at the University of Alexandria and its library.

Roman era: monopolized Egypt in the era of the Romans papermaking, glass, perfumes, linen weave, making it the largest shopping center in the eastern Mediterranean.

Alqubti- Christian era: the architecture of the Coptic emerged on the old-fashioned Pharaonic, Coptic churches were built in the fifth century AD, and church music originated with a tendency Pharaonic, carrying melodies Pharaonic names, such as the melody Singari.

Islamic era: Renaissance is a comprehensive Imran and art, where built mosques and minarets and mosques, and built castles and forts, the most famous Citadel of Saladin. Spread the decorative arts and architecture offers more in the Fatimid era, as the sons of Al-Azhar mosque, one of the flags of the Fatimid architecture.

Contemporary history:

Egypt's modern history begins with a period of Muhammad Ali and his reforms, which included all aspects of life in Egypt, the establishment of the Egyptian army and the military school and shipbuilding and the construction of dams and factories, leading to the Suez Canal on 18 March / March 1869.

Britain occupied Egypt in 1881bad that the Khedive Ismail annexation of Sudan to reign, and abounded in his debt, Fazelth Britain and appointed his son Tawfiq place. Egypt remained an Ottoman province until the start of the First World War and Britain declared protection of Egypt. In 1914, Egypt announced a British protectorate, and this raised the sovereignty of the Ottoman Sultanate was established by the Egyptian Sultan Hussein Kamel first sultans of Egypt.

In February 28, 1922, turned to the Sultanate of Egypt united kingdom as a result of the 1919 revolution. In 1936 concluded a treaty for a period of twenty days between Egypt and Britain, abolished Egypt later and canceled the Convention on Governance duo to Sudan, and then began a war fighting commando, which lasted three months until the fire Cairo and the dismissal of another government and ransom in the January 27, 1952.

1952anglb officers in the reign of King Farouk and the Free Officers revolution broke out. The outcome of the departure of King Farouk and the declaration of the Republic of Egypt on June 18, 1953. Appointed Leader of the Revolution Mohamed Naguib as president, followed by Gamal Abdel Nasser. United in the custody of Syria and Egypt and became the United Arab Republic, but disintegrated in 1961.

Between 1960-1970, Gamal Abdel Nasser established the High Dam. On June 25, 1967, Israel launched an attack on Egypt, Syria and Jordan, and occupied the Sinai Peninsula, the Golan Heights and the West Bank of the Jordan River. On October 6 / October 1973 carried Egyptian and Syrian forces military operation simultaneously on Israeli forces to recover the Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights. On September 17 / September 1978 President Anwar Sadat Camp David treaty with Israel to end the conflict in the Middle East and Israel withdrew from the Sinai Peninsula. On 6 October / October 1981igtal Anwar Sadat he withdrew referee Mohamed Hosni Mubarak, who stepped down from power as a result of the Egyptian revolution on February 11, 2011, and took over the presidency after him, Mohammed Morsi




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