Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Mohamed Ali Palace

Mohamed Ali Palace
Akhtar Mohammad Ali Gosaia a place for himself a palace built for himself calm down .. and that is the beginning of Shubra! In the middle of the month of Dhu al-Hijjah 1223 AH January 1809 AD before the massacre Castle chose Muhammad Ali Pasha, located on the shore of the Nile in the area of ​​Shubra area of ​​50 acres in plenty of land, extends to the pool of Hajj, and took it to several villages and fiefdoms, and began to build his palace, and planting orchards, where the trees ... and the roof of the palace, but fell after the end of construction in May 1809 was re-built. In 1812, established by Muhammad on a number of streams to provide water to the palace and gardens. Palace built in phases lasted about 13 years starting in 1808 until the year 1821 has been added to him Saraya Aljblaya in 1836 AD, which is a rectangular area dimensions 76.5 m × 88.5 m and consists of one floor and opens By mid-ribs four doors pivotal progressing each door shed and occupies every corner of the building room stand out from the front like a tower and mediates construction basin with a fountain fall below the floor of the construction .oacharf Ali Construction constructed Amaúrh Zulfiqar Katakhda .. came Amara palace on the new style did not know Egypt before, and helped the vast space for the new site to choose architectural style of Turkey, is a model palaces and gardens which popularized in Turkey on the shores of the Marmara Busforoaldrdnilubhr .. This design is based essentially on the vast walled garden punctuated by huge doors are few in number, are scattered in this park several buildings, each of which has the characteristics of an architectural Khash.o may be best known for the palace on behalf of the Palace fountain to the presence of a large fountain him, and to reach the palace Mohamed on the matter creates a street Shubra and in 1847 was the beginning of street Shoubra, and the goal was Muhammad Ali to turn this street into a place for a picnic and recreation outside the capital of Egypt. In order to achieve this decision came to be street introduce the streets of Egypt to the present Covenant, the most integrity.

Police Museum

Police Museum
Located Citadel of Saladin in Cairo with the Military Museum, Museum contains the police on several possessions of the Egyptian security forces, past and present, as well as the tools used in police stations and Qara Qonat clothes policemen and some pictures of famous military officers and criminals, including pictures RIA and tranquility, font and othersSiteThe area has been selected for the establishment of the National Museum of the Police in the northwestern side of the Citadel of Salah al-Din in the region, which was dubbed the arena of science and characterized this site as its many historic buildings and archaeological civilian and military, including the Palace Ablaq which was detected Hvaúrh when the body Egyptian Antiquities - Supreme Council of Antiquities - prepare a museum to the police as contained this region at the center of artillery filed by Muhammad Ali Pasha in the nineteenth century was also detected in this region on the Tower of wild animals and that was quoted on the presence of the upper frieze and that they appear in forms of lions carved and attributed to Zahir Baybars who raised in the year 1260.ContentsI have been the opening of the Museum of the police in 1406 AH / January 25, 1986 in the presence of Mr. President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak on the occasion of Eid police. Has received sections Police Museum photos and interior ministers since 1878, starting with Mustafa Riad Pasha and even in 1984 where the number of cabinet 53 ministers, in addition to the portrait of Muhammad Ali Pasha, weapons and armor and helmets and bayonets in addition to a set of medals police. As the Department of the Interior to prepare a summary of the role of Detectives effects and legislation to protect cultural antiquities, as well as a brief for Adham Sharkawy and activity in the region and some of the counterfeit currency and equipment used in the fraud department of political assassinations and the Battle of Ismailia as museum displays also the evolution of the police from the Pharaonic era to the modern era that the most important thing attracts tourist and visitor to the Museum of the police photo of the RIA and tranquility, which were Tkonan gang to kidnap and murder of women. It has been used the same location as a prison also in the Mamluk era of the princes were demolished in the era of King al-Nasir Muhammad in 1338. also contains the Museum of the police on several possessions of the Egyptian security forces, past and present, as well as the tools used in police stations and Alkerkonat clothes policemen and some pictures of famous military officers

mast mountain Mosque

mast mountain Mosque
Location:Msadjadslaman Pasha server located in the north-east and is known as the Mosque of Sidi mountain relative to the mast mast bin Omar Abdullah, son of the commander of the Islamic armies in the reign of Omar ibn al-Khattab may Allah be pleased with himBrief History:Also known as the Mosque Rudaini proportion to Sheikh Rudaini which Hassan bin Ali bin Marzouq bin Abdullah Rudaini Faqih updated and housed a mosque Saad State castle and then turning it to the mosque, which had been established by Prince Morteza glory of the Caliphate of Abu Mansour caught up with his Prince Armenian who was the ruler of Alexandria in the Fatimid era as the year 535 AH is installed on the motherboard constituent of the mosque and continued Sheikh Rudaini in teaching him that died in 540 AH.In the year 935 AH / 1528 AD reiterated this mosque, Suleiman Pasha server who was ruler of Egypt during the reign of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, and then the transfer of the painting constituent of the mosque, which is due to my father Mansour its share to the tomb Steering Bank of the mosque and instead put them to the marble plaque, mounted the top of the door West the collector proved by these innovations.The collector Suleiman Pasha server or Mosque of Sidi mast is the first mosque built in Egypt Ottoman-style, which consists of a central dome and half-domes around, and the whole is composed of two main sections are a house of prayer or the mosque and has Dorhah square surrounded by destinations, except the north-west Three iwans largest Ewan direction, which contains the altar of marble decorated Bwazzrat and marble mosaic and the tribune marble, while the second section is open courtyards or campus mosque and submit the mosque or house of prayer from the northwest and consists layout of the dish Middle Exposed surrounded by four corridors covered with domes shallow built on spherical triangles, has inflicted Steering Western saucer shrine caught up with his father Mansour, who also inflicted Bdharaha structures and tombstones dating from the beginning of the Ottoman era and until the era of Muhammad Ali PashaHe notes the mosque that the dome big was clad Balqachani green, blue and a mosque minaret Ottoman-style, the first minarets in Cairo, which is built on this model, known as the "pencil", also attached to the mosque a book to teach the Koran and Hazroan ablutions aspect Bank and garden aspect East.

jewel Palace

 jewel Palace

Location and a brief history with him
Palace is the jewel in the southwestern tip of the yard property or yard Royal was misplaced old buildings also due to the Mamluk period was mentioned of Abdul Rahman Gabarty in his book "The Wonders of the effects" to embark on the construction of this palace was in the year 1227 AH / 1812 AD The completion has been on stages .. has varied dates signatory to the constitutional texts of the palace Vallouhh on the door entry dated year 1228 AH / 1813, which reads, "O Brightening doors open to us the best door 1228 e .. while came in the other plate located on the door leading to the reception hall The main Date Year 1229 AH / 13-1814 m and read God's reconciling Crown year 1229 AH
I've suffered this palace more than once for a fire in the life of Muhammad Ali Pasha himself and was rebuilt .. it burned the first time the year 1235 AH / 1819 due to the combustion of Aljboukhana or factory gunpowder, which is located behind it has said of Abdul Rahman Gabarty that mast castle or palace jewel may Burnt remained two days afire as also burned hand Bureau Ketkhadda and other buildings

The second time was the year 1239 AH / 1823 and was due to Jboukhana Castle also that the impact for the second time on the buildings of the castle and Amaúrha making Mohammed Ali Pasha sent to Wali Thessaloniki to require workers and Hjarin to repair what was destroyed castle .. It has been used in the construction of this palace engineers were foreigners and workers They were between Rohm and Turks, Bulgarians and Ernaat


Mosque of Muhammad Ali

Mosque of Muhammad Ali

Mosque of Mohammed Ali mosque is built on the Ottoman style, similar to Oaasofia Mosque in Istanbul, built by Muhammad Ali Pasha inside the Citadel of Saladin in the Egyptian capital; Cairo, between the period of 1830 to 1848.
The castle has been established since Saladin, the seat of government in the Ayyubid and Mamluk state, and in the reign of the Ottomans and then the governors in the upper Dynasty, and continued well into the era of Khedive Ismail where taken Amer Abdeen Palace seat of the king. Mohammed has taken on the big head of the family and the upper Egyptian founder of modern Egypt, after the reform of the walls of the castle, palaces and the establishment of schools and government offices out, and culminated in the establishment of its facilities this mosque, who oversees the city of Cairo Bakbabh and minarets.
Has initiated its inception in the year 1246 AH 1830 on the ruins of ancient buildings, leaving the premises of the Mamluks and has his building in the year 1265 AH, 1848, in the reign of Abbas Pasha I has Nicohh and decoration. He has built this mosque along the Ottoman mosques built in Istanbul, and planning a square side length 41 meters, is covered in the middle dome of large diameter of 21 meters and a height of 52 meters mounted on four large contracts based on four shoulders huge, and around the dome four half-domes, in each point of half dome, covered four corners of the mosque domes small, except that the other half of the dome covering the emergence of processus direction of the eastern flank of the mosque. And coating the walls of the home and four shoulders, up 11.30 meters livery of alabaster topped with colored engravings, and sweetened with domes and half-dome prominent motifs carved and gilded. On the western side of the mosque is a converted bench Amount columns and decades of alabaster, and took Drabzenha, railings, corridors domes of bronzing busy. In the western corner tribal him to the tomb of Muhammad is located on the large marble topped by a combination ticked by beautiful decorations and writings, and is surrounded by bronze cabin is nicely wrought, is the first work Abbas Pasha.

Remember references and different sources of what he ended up Muhammad Ali Pasha of reform Saladin Citadel and the establishment of schools, palaces, schools, decided to build a mosque where prayers are held and be buried by his burial.
Work began the establishment of the mosque in 1830 and continue to work without interruption until the death of Muhammad Ali Pasha in 1845, where he was buried in the cemetery, which he had prepared for himself.
In the reign of Khedive Abbas Pasha I was completing work engraving gates and marble work, as ordered set of readers and monitoring of good things on the whole.
In the reign of Said Pasha was the work of formal ceremonies for five nights each year, namely:
The night of Isra and Mi'raj, the night of the fifteenth of August, and then three nights of the month of Ramadan is the night of 13 anniversary of the death of Muhammad Ali Pasha, the night of September 14 when he was buried, and eventually much of the night.
In the era of Khedive Ismail was the work of a new brass doors of the mosque and surrounded by walls and established his toilet.
In the era of King Fuad has Commission for the Conservation of Egyptian antiquities Arabic remove the large dome and around the small domes to be rebuilt again taking into account the dimensions of the original architectural design and decoration.
Description mosque

Mosque in a total of rectangular building is divided into two parts: the eastern part, which prepared for the prayers, and the Western, a saucer Ttosth fountain ablutions, and each of the sections Baban opposite one tribal and other sea Section eastern square shape along Dilgh from inside 41 meters Ttosth dome of high diameter of 21 meters and a height of 52 meters the level of the floor of the mosque mounted on the shoulders of four square fundamentally four half-domes and half dome covers the fifth and the emergence of the mihrab that unlike other small domes four pillars of the mosque.
The walls of the mosque are covered inside and out with marble imported from quarries Alabaster Beni Suef and shoulders as well as the four inner-bearing dome. The walls of the mosque are covered with all the top of the marble cladding inside blanks colorful carvings gilded ornaments. The large dome and half-domes has sweetened prominent colored gilded motifs.
The second section, a saucer Ttosth ablutions fountain, and the rear of the clock tower donated by Muhammad Ali to Louis-Philippe king of France in 1845. The mosque Mnartan Rchiguetan up 84 meters from the ground level of the dish.
The original pulpit of the mosque is a large platform made ​​of wood decorated with gilded Local, The Tribune Almmermry small actually to the left of the mihrab, he ordered the work of King Farouk in 1358 AH = 1939. The mosque is lit chandeliers surrounded by fine crystalline glass niches coordinated exquisite forms. And is based on the both sides of the western flank of the mosque Mnartan Rchiguetan Ostoanita Benita also figure in the style of Turkish minarets, each rising 82 meters from the ground. The mosque has three doors, one in the middle of the pleura Maritime, and the second in an interview in the middle of the pleura tribal, and the third in the middle of the side-west, and leads to the dish room area of ​​53 in the 53-meter enveloping walls livery of alabaster, and is surrounded by four corridors of its contracts and pillars of marble also, and Bosta place ablution, which is a dome-mounted eight columns have flap local motifs prominent gilded, and the soles of the dome local carvings and colorful gilded represent landscapes, and the dome clad Kkabbab mosque plates of lead and Bosfielha water tank which is octagonal dome made ​​all of marble crushed motifs prominent. The highest mid-west corridor of the Tower of copper dish decorated inside ticking clock donated by the king of France, Louis Philippe to Mohamed Ali Pasha in 1845


Mosque of Sultan Qalawun

Mosque of Sultan Qalawun
This mosque is situated - school (school Nasiriyah) Street Muizz at a site between the Dome of the King Mansour Qlaowonomsadjad plum began created King fair Katbugha Mansouri year 695 AH / 1295 AD when he took the king of Egypt after take off al-Nasir Muhammad year 694 AH / 1294 embarking in construction until it reached the level of literature on the phenomenon faced.

Then happened to take off before the King fair orphaned, and has the inauguration of al-Nasir Muhammad, when he returned to his Nasser Mohammed year 698 AH / 1299 AD is to finalize Vtm construction in the year 703 AH / 1304 AD and attributed to him. This mosque was built on the school system with orthogonal planning, it is an open courtyard surrounded by four iwans that remains now is two: Ewan Ewan direction and its opposite, while the other two were vandalized Alaeoanan, replaced by solving some innovative architectures.Ewan was left of the mihrab direction only Bamudi Alrkhamyin wonderful, and Taqath with stucco figures, including witnessing a vicious and topped with plaster decorations from other open mind and corresponding western iwan, what he has reached the industry of art promoted in the Mamluk era. And on the right there on the inside of the bowl metaphor of Mosul, the door leading to the dome, which was left with only her neck and stalactites corners.Destination built in stone and still retains much of the old landmarks, displayed by a few rows deep, open windows Bosfielha three decades Boatab topped decorated with etched in stone, and ends this Elsafv of the highest muqarnas fantastic. Runs the length of the destination model, he wrote the name of al-Nasir Muhammad, who replaced Katbugha name and date of commencement of work, and crowned with a serrated balconies.The most important thing is drawn to consider the interface school, the door marble, which is in style goth stranger to Islamic architecture has had a Knaúseka when he opened Ashraf Khalil ibn Qalawun year 690 AH / 1291 transfer to Cairo and placed in the mosque during the reign of King fair Katbugha when he proceeded to create.The highest entrance beacon composed of three layers, the first square is decorated with motifs destinations and beautiful writings of plaster, and ended muqarnas which formed the first layer, the second layer octagonal ended muqarnas other formed the second session, while the third layer which is the upper Vhaddath.Entering the mosque and the school project within the Cairo Museum Open, and is currently Termimama

Egyptian Military Museum

Egyptian Military Museum

Date of construction

Military Museum in Egypt was established in 1937 at the Ministry of Defense ancient astronomer Street in Cairo. Moved to a temporary building in Garden Siti in 1938 and was officially opened and moved Aharmbakulah Palace in November 1949, was renovated and opened in 26/07/1982, was developed in conjunction with the Antiquities Authority was inaugurated on 26.04.1988 has been developed in conjunction with the Democratic Republic of Korea in 1990 and inaugurated by President Hosni Mubarak in 11.29.93.

Occupies rib sea west of the castle, including the so-called failure campus three oversees the Mount Almoktmwalhtabhopab runway (the entrance to the castle) has ordered Muhammad Ali Pasha, the establishment of these deficiencies in 1872 a beginner to build the palace East, followed by the palace east and west, and was surrounded by a wall, and one was torn down now making Garden unfolding in front of the palace East and these three palaces are almost similar in their planning.

Forums Home Museum

Hall of Fame.
Hall of clothing.
Hall of artillery.
Hall of arms.
Pharaonic era.
Islamic era.
Captured the era of Muhammad Ali Pasha.
48/52/56/67 halls.
Nasr Hall in October 1973.
Hall of martyrs.
Square Parade.


Azhar Park

Azhar Park

Was created Haddikhalazahr on an area of ​​30 hectares, by the imam of the Muslim community Ismailia Karim Shah Husseini (Aga Khan IV), after it decided to Dedicate garden to the city of Cairo in 1984, the building on the Islamic belief that we are all responsible for the creativity of the Creator must therefore leave the earth a better place , made ​​the decision during the 1984 "Capital countrie: keeping pace with the growth of civil Cairo."

The project design has been in charge of $ 30 million, to be an agent of economic development, and has become an example for studying creative solutions to the many challenges faced by the historical cities, including overcoming the environmental component.
Krih green garden work as a result of the huge area, and its location downtown historic district. It was obvious that you need to Cairo more green spaces. The One study found that the percentage of green space for the number of residents in Cairo barely equal to the size of the impact of the foot area of ​​each citizen, as one of the lowest in the world. Garden created the largest green space in Cairo a century ago.


Located on the west side of the garden city Fatimid old and extended trail Red, Butrutema of mosques, shrines, and decorated line long minarets, to the south lies the Mosque of Sultan Hassan and surrounds, in addition to Citadel of Saladin, this area was already in need of green space open. The mound on which the park provides a high view of the city, and give the scene a gorgeous panoramic 360 degree views of the charismatic of historic Cairo. Before starting work, the study site was a large garbage. He was working on the removal of accumulations of trash and stones accumulated over 500 years, with materials estimated tonnage of 80,000 Cart heaped on the site over the centuries, and during the initialization of the site has many discoveries enormous. Those discoveries included the discovery of the Ayyubid city wall dating back to the twelfth century, during the reign of Salah al-Din, in addition to many of the stones and precious writings Hiroglovih. Those older stones, and some of which reach lengths of one meter, was used in building the fence Salahuddin. In order to detect the fence, which was buried over time, it was necessary to drill to a depth of 15 meters, 1.5 kilometers from the fence towers and balconies is Almove, appeared in all Ruatha.oukd the Ptsmiyeta engineer Maher Steno (Egyptian) and the implementation of Egyptian companies and managed by qualified Egyptian and Visit Website of the park is


Khan el-Khalili

Khan el-Khalili
Khan el-Khalili, a neighborhood of Old Cairo, which has attracted a great tour for visitors to Cairo and Egypt in general. Features Bazaars and shops and popular restaurants, as characterized by abundant numbers of tourists and a population accustomed to them.Date of Khan al-Khalili
Khan el-Khalili is one of the oldest markets in the Middle, a little over the age of 600 years, and still remains on the original architecture is unchanged since the Mamluk era and even now. Immigrated to him a large number of traders Palestinian city of Hebron and Sknoh and now has the community of the people of Hebron inhabit it and are working to trade and to them is attributed Khan el-Khalili in Cairo was called by this name proportion to its founder and is one of the princes Mamluks and was named Yarkas Khalili, a city of Hebron.If we went back to time back much will Itana Arab historian months (Makrisi) who says that Khan building large square surrounded by a courtyard and is similar to the agency, include a bottom layer of it stores, and includes the upper layers of the stores and housing, has been named this name relative to the origin Sharif (Khalili) which It was great merchants in the era of Sultan plum in 1400 AD.If the popular proverb says: "The guy runs the place Mathb", the first DBP on the ground Khan must be in Fishawy, who over the age of two hundred years, one of the oldest cafes of Cairo, and was the great writer Naguib Mahfouz of the most famous astronauts in the period the sixties of the twentieth century.Fishawy
Is one of the cafes in ancient Egypt and dates its inception in 1769.Genius of the place in Fishawy who tops the Khan can sip green tea, chattering in anything the way you want, before you begin the tour in the neighborhood antiquated and there is what is the most enjoyable of roaming walk inside the alleys and talk show take a genius to decipher cracking cases, and to a sixth sense To learn Tlassmha, Valozkh monolith threaded like a contract, overlapping bow rainbow multicolor, but did not know one yet philosophy architecture, which is built on the basis of Khan al-Khalili, the earth was paved with stone basalt black metallic, and market-roofed wood defied time and erosion, and the sun sneak shops several pose with some of the basements filled with treasures and rare artifacts, and skillfully made.

Inside Khan
If the journey began in Khan must take a look at the remaining of the (Mcherbaat) overlooking the street or warm, busy and beautiful fountains and facades and copper basins where water, which was Troy and thirsty passerby who was at the time. And require visits the neighborhood to the genius or particularly sensitive in traffic within the narrow alleys amid the hustle mythical humans and wooden chairs that stack cafe owners to attract pioneers, once the intervention of the street let go is heard words of welcome Egyptian light shade, and the words of the children of the country welcoming invites visitors and visitors to the Gap, " and Elly Mistrae watching. " Even entered one of the shops, the seller greets you with the words "Egypt Norte" is given a visitor who has experience of the world of Cairo magical and vocabulary of the language "Egypt ăäćŃĺ its people", and starts in the presentation of his goods, to Agah his smile, and his words flowing about the quality of his goods, and they are specially made for art lovers manual. Khan and dealers are experts in the art of sales, and trade and Savvy inherited from ancestors, they offer authentic and fake goods, and their fondness wondrous bargaining, as Atzmon patiently and skin to convince the customer.Khan el-Khalili neighborhood is one of thirty-eight market days was broken on the axes of the Mamluk Cairo, and Khan is located above the center of the old city cemeteries Fatimid caliphs previously.The Muizz has evoked from him (Kairouan) coffins of three of his predecessors and buried in his tomb, where he was buried and his successors also, Khalili has ordered the transfer of the graves to other places and establish a market for traders.The method, which was presented by the goods in Old Cairo where she was Taatlasq markets and are filled lanes Balhawwanat that offer the same goods at prices varying, something like Maicon exhibition lasting and continuous merchandise different, Mmajth an excellent opportunity for buyers in the selected Mairead and chooses the finest, and the haggling and bargaining to get a Stronger and cheaper.Here goods of every type and color, gold, diamonds and silver to papyrus bearing the words Hiroglovih mascots and icons and poems Ghazlah, and engravings in blue tells in shorthand amazing beautiful tale of love in the history (story Aisesoaozoris) that accept them foreign tourists.Festival merchandise
Carnival visitors and visitors neighborhood Khan el-Khalili interferes with the clothes bobble stacked shopkeepers as a kind of supply and temptation and attraction on the front of the shops, and hanging hundreds and perhaps thousands (pools) within the counters and shelves display, or in the hands of young boys offering various types of pools, each made of sowing olive and plastic and called the (morning light), and others belonged to a platoon turquoise and coral, amber and convenience, including Misna of sandalwood, say a rosary that the artisans manufactured on a small machine handy and accurate name (lathe).In the Khan el-Khalili is keen women of all nationalities to buy (the contract), which dangle from it (the Eye of Horus), and make contracts of ores various, and the customer only determine his request according to its potential financial, and here come a seller (a masterpiece) probably passed on the manufacture of hundreds of years, the day that Cairo was in the Middle Ages a great commercial center, bring the Far East goods and send them in various ways of navigation in the Mediterranean Sea. That was in the golden age of the spice trade with the country of India, Sindh and the country ride the elephants are bought and men, in the sixteenth century was transferred to Khan el-Khalili strangest market in the history of Cairo, ancient and modern, a market (slaves) who shot to fame in the East and the West, describing travelers as one of the most important markets intermingled where all nationalities.I ended that era with all Maver of the features of a great or wrinkles collapse, and we are now in a new and different era, the consideration of the tourists and visitors to the goods scattered in the quarters, and Alvatrinat on it (gift) from compelling Muizz Fatimid, and in small shops adjacent creativity traders in compaction gold jewelry, silver and copper. The scene reminds you of these shops markets of Turkey, which is called (bazaar), which occupies a huge fall under the streets of the city (Istanbul), where the streets of the entire stretch specialize in one type of goods. That the most important consideration in Mifatt Craft Khan el-Khalili is accurate handicraft, there are shops offering a necklace or bracelet by engravings and miniatures spent in engraving maker Maher days and perhaps months. The gold is gold no matter how over time or changed homelands, and foreign tourists are keen to buy silverware, but Arab tourists like gold, has crept shops of street jewelers famous Khan el-Khalili in search of (customer) high taste, it is estimated that between his hands from precious.Markets Cairo
Was in Fatimid Cairo multiple markets, and public squares constructed for the purposes of trade which is called (Caesarea) has allocated each and every one of them to sell a particular commodity, and some are selling things that bring convoys of Abyssinia, such as drugs and parrots appa, There has been a private markets for precious stones in the street Mouski , but now settled in the Khan el-Khalili, Agate and coral, emerald and turquoise and other types of stones, Indian, Ethiopian and Yemeni and attract tourists and kidnap their sight.Perfumes and incense
And swim in the space smells pretty up to tourists who cross the alley toward the street Mouski where abound Trade perfume Arab, Asian and European, here perfume King, amber, jasmine and Jasmine, hundreds and perhaps now bottles shapes and strange colors contain perfumes unfamiliar ranging in color from oil shale in the color of crude oil, and golden yellow, violet and amber mixed. And ask the dealer defies time with a smile about (Alosans), which are manufactured these perfumes from him, he said that what I see of perfume here is almost composition of the actual perfume without the addition of alcohol to remember him, and handed me a bottle containing fragrant oily texture, bright scent and said that this fragrance is deduced from a certain type of male Ghazal called Ibex musk, but this is what confuses the color violet PCO shine under the spotlight is the summary of violets, while oil amber Veffersh one type of whales called sperm whales, and whale to Evers this amber only a last throes or suffer the agonies of death.The incense has its kingdom, especially in the Khan, and people thought that the smoke Almcetkh prevents the eye and envy, and coriander are the leader of the Kingdom of incense and called the name of the people (jaw and jaw) that any of the smell go about the contract irrevocably. The visitor Khan el-Khalili, it should be him irrevocably.


Cairo Tower

Cairo Tower

Cairo Tower designed by the late architect Naoum Shabib, was built between 1956 - 1961 of reinforced concrete on the Egyptian lotus flower design, and is located in the heart of Cairo on the Nile island of Zamalek.
Height of up to 187 meters, which is higher than the Great Pyramid in Giza, about 43 meters.
There on the top of the Cairo Tower tourist restaurant on a rotating platform rotates manned restaurant to see landmarks Cairo from all sides.
It is one of the highlights of Cairo, which is located in the area of ​​the island Cairo Tower, which is an architectural masterpiece built by the Egyptians in the form of a lotus flower Pharaonic originally a symbol of civilization, which is the focus of attention of the world tourists. It consists of 16 floors and stands on a base of granite stones Aswani that have already been used by the ancient Egyptians to build their temples and tombs In these days, we note the increasing number of tourists who go to visit the tower and climb to the roof, which overlooks the Cairo whole and especially Arab tourists who are increasingly Tuadhm to Egypt in this days and take a trip inside the elevator tower to reach the end of 45 seconds to see when you stand on the summit full panorama of Cairo, the pyramids, television building, the Sphinx, the Nile, the Citadel of Saladin, al-Azhar feel and you look in the magnifying glass you are visiting Egypt, all in one moment, it is not this is only but can be of the Arab family that deals with Gdaha in a restaurant tower in the 14th floor and at an altitude of 160 meters there is the restaurant ring, which revolves around the fulcrum to see Cairo with family in the restaurant, which includes 19 table that can hold five people, also there on the floor 15 cafeteria overhead that can deal with the juices and drinks and enjoy seeing Cairo from the top.

Join tower

Cairo Tower was built in the era of President Gamal Abdel Nasser and built costing six million pounds at the time the United States has given to Egypt in order to influence its position in favor of the case against the French occupation of Algeria. And this says military historian Jamal Hammad when he was building the tower had names Valomercan shot him «fork Abdel Nasser», The Egyptians have named it «stop Roosevelt» The Cairo Tower largest and longest «no» in history because the six million did not fool the eyes of President Abdel Nasser to change his attitude towards Arab issues and refused even to devote to spend on infrastructure in Egypt, despite the need for the country at the time of this amount, but still wanted Abdel Nasser to build the building remains note prominent with time knows Egyptians dignity, even if they were most in need despite the fact that the amount carried Hassan Thami who was at the time the position of Advisor to the President of the Republic and came amount in a bag handed to the president after returning from a visit to the United States, which were not our relationship with them has worsened under the name of helping the heads of friendly states, but rejected Abdel Nasser whatever its name and here he is now visited by tourists Arabs and foreigners and Egyptians to remember history .
Suffice it to mention that built the tower took 5 years and participated in the construction of 500 workers.

Was renovated Cairo Tower in the work lasted about two years from 2006 to 2008 and renovated by the Egyptian Arab Contractors company commissioned the process of restoration and repair about 15 million pounds, which includes treatment and restoration of concrete tower and add the number 3 innings structures of the metal bottom of the tower restaurant hull tower and the role of other higher entrance The main direct Created emergency ladder and an elevator for visitors and develop the entrance to the tower, as well as finishing the facades of the tower and add new exterior lighting

